Saturday, January 16, 2010

Haiti , me and Nigeria

There is been a lot said written and talked about as it concerned the health and well being of President Umaru Yar' Adua, as it reflects on the overall image and perception of the nation.

I think I few mistakes have been made by the handlers of information, relating to the Presidency as a whole and the country in particular. There is nothing new in a president being ill, our President will not be last to fall ill, nor is he the very first to take ill. It was important for the citizens and indeed all external friends of the country to be properly briefed and informed about President Yar"Adua's state of health. It should not be subjected to ridicule of obnoxious interpretations.

There is no myth about any human, we all can and do fall sick at one time or the other. The nature of illness, of a leader must be communicated to the citizens in the best manner so determined by the laws governing the land. At no time should any set of people or group of persons determine that they hold the sole authority over who knows what, as it concerns the well being of Nigerian President.

I also take exception to the way the President is being treated by a section of the country, particularly the southern parts, the president deserves our sympathy and prayers at this time. To the best of my knowledge, President Yar"Adua is not an open enemy of anyone, he is ill by period. If you do note have any verifiable news about his state of health do not create one.

As for those who are concern about the "vacuum" in leadership, let me make this very clear; there has never been a vacuum in the leadership. Even when the President was physically around, many of his opponent sought to dethrone him. My candid question is this who takes over if the president abdicates?

Your guess is as good as mine. I advice caution in requesting a "hand-over", clearly not a single person can adequately predict the outcome. the fever pitch with which Vice -President Jonathan Goodluck is been pushed to succeed his boos, will only bring more ill.

All said and done, the business of governance in Nigeria is more of Payment of Salaries, Ghana -must-go allocations, issuance of contracts and over-payment of contracts. i don't see which one of these that has stopped, nor do i think a "take- over by his vice would end these government activities.

What Nigeria really needs is for every change minded person(s) to truly contribute their quota by giving back to our communities. What is your take my friend?

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